Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Catalog Living

Ok, so I have stumbled upon this AMAZING blog that is absolutely hysterical!!  I have been laughing at this darn blog for the past hour!  It is basically a blog that takes home decor photos from catalogs and/or the Internet and the author of the blog puts her own little comical sattire to the picture.  Here are a few of my fav's:

"Gary and I have slept in separate beds for years, but last night he left me a tied-up stack of books on my foot-of-bed-bench. I think he’s in the mood."

"Elaine wasn’t about to let some hot flashes get in the way of balancing the checkbook with the abacus."

"Our entryway set-up is great! Now I never forget my hat, burlap satchel, or life preserver."

"Oh dear, our Q-Tip decanter is almost 1/5th depleted"

"Hi Nancy, it’s Elaine. I’m going to be a little late for lunch. I can’t find my hat or my back-up hat."

OH MYlanta!!  That mess is hilarious! 

That's all I got for today!  I'm off to put my tired, swollen feet up.  It's been a long day of cleaning and organizing.

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