Wednesday, February 9, 2011

White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies

Ok, so a friend gave me this recipe this summer.  From the first time I made these cookies, I was in love.  They are soooooo yummy!  I’m not usually a fan of nuts in my desserts, but these cookies are amazing!  I made them at Christmastime for my family, and they were gone by the end of the night.  I made them on Sunday for the Super Bowl party as well and we had a couple left over (I doubled the batch).  So, here’s the recipe:


  1. Gather up your ingredients

2.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

3.  Soften butter slightly.

4.  Cream the sugar, brown sugar, vanilla and butter. Add the egg and mix thoroughly.

5.  Add flour and baking soda. {FYI: Add anywhere from 1/2- 1 1/2 tsp baking soda. The more you add the fluffier the cookies will be. I prefer to add the minimum for a gooey cookie.} Mix ingredients well.

6.  Add white chocolate chips. I use almost a 12 oz bag. Also add chopped nuts at this point. Mix well.

7.  Bake at 350 9-10 minutes.

The key to these cookies is to remove them from the oven when they still look undercooked. When you can just see the edges beginning to get brown is the right time to remove them from the oven. Let them sit on the cookie sheet for a few minutes before you try to remove them.

These cookies are seriously so yummy!  Let me know if you make them and how they turned out! 


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